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Struggling Together

Three months after our wedding, my husband lost his job. And for nearly a year, in the most expensive city in the US, we went through one of the toughest financial hardships we would face. While...

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Trouble with Transitions

I used to be a stay-at-home mom. Now that our youngest child is off to college, I’m not sure what to call myself. So much of my identity was wrapped up in homework help, activity shuttling, and...

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God of the Little Things

The year I turned 33, I found out I had a hole in my heart. My options were surgery or potential heart failure. It was a lot to take in. I had small children to take care of, a household to run,...

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I’m sitting here alone at my cozy writing retreat on a bright cold day, with a blank sheet of paper in front of me, wondering what thoughts to put down.  I’m feeling out of thoughts, at least...

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Warring Together

The last six months of life have sucked. Can you use that word on a Christian blog? I hope you're okay with it because I don't know a more eloquent way to describe what I've experienced. I suspect...

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On Beginning Again

I love that God is into new things–new life, new mercies, new opportunities, and a new blog after about 3 years away from writing. It wasn’t a deliberate break. I started my first blog back in 2008...

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